Terms of use

These Terms of Use govern your use of Humania, which you (&aquot;User&aquot;) acknowledge as read and accepted by using Humania.
Humania is operated by Humania Inc., a company registered in State of Delaware. To contact us with any questions about Humania, please send an email to support@humania.io.
Humania is a platform that enables Users either to offer, or to search for and purchase consultation services (&aquot;Services&aquot;). Users who offer services are &aquot;Members&aquot;, while Users who search for and purchase services are &aquot;Clients&aquot;. Through our platform Members may also engage themselves in mentoring relationships under which one may mentor the other in exchange of a share of the income from the Services purchased by the Clients. We as platform providers do not ourselves offer any Services, nor are we a party to the contracts entered into directly between Members and Clients, and we are not acting as an agent in any capacity for any user, except as payment collection agent of the Members' as specified hereunder.

1. Independency of the Users

The purchase and provision of the Services establish a direct contractual relationship between the Clients and the Members, to which we are not and we do not become any party. All terms and conditions of the contracts between the Users shall be determined by the Users themselves. We do not and cannot control the performance of the contracts between the Clients and the Members, and we disclaim all warranties in their regard. In particular we do not make any warranty concerning the existence, performance, quality, suitability or legality of any Services, and we are not responsible for any defaults, defects or deficiencies of any Services. The above shall apply to the mentoring relationships between the Members accordingly.
Member's relationship with Humania is that of an independent individual or entity and not an employee, agent or partner of Humania. Humania does not direct or control Members' Services and Members have complete discretion whether and when to provide Services and at what price and on what terms to offer them. Members are responsible for understanding and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to their Services.

2. Payments

Members hereby appoint us to act as their payment collection agent solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing payments from Clients purchasing Services.
Members agree that payments made by Clients through us shall be considered as payments made directly to the Members, by which the Clients' payments obligations shall be deemed fulfilled and therefore the Members will provide the Services under the agreed terms as if the Members have received the payments directly from the Clients.
Members are responsible for determining and fulfilling any obligations under applicable laws to include in the prices of their Services any applicable VAT or other indirect taxes, and to meet their tax declaration and payment obligations.
We charge a fee of 0-15% (depending on the number of layers of Member's transacting mentees) of all payments made by the Clients to the Members. Our fee includes the costs of providing, maintaining and operating Humania. Our Fee is deducted from the payments made by the Clients, before they would be paid out to the Members.
All payments will be received from the Clients and paid out to the Members through a third-party payment provider (Stripe), that may charge its own service fees pursuant to its own terms and conditions. This is to be understood as a fee charged on top of our fee.

3. Liability

We will not be liable to you for any loss of profits, loss of business or revenue, business interruption, loss of business opportunity, loss of anticipated savings, loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation, loss of data or information or for any other direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered by you arising from or in connection with your use of Humania, except for those the exclusion or limitation of which would be unlawful.

4. Applicable law and dispute resolution

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of Delaware, and the courts of Delaware shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with your use of Humania. Except where prohibited by applicable law, any claim which you have concerning Humania must be filed within one year after the date on which such claim arose or the date on which you learned of the facts giving rise to the claim, or be unenforceable in court thereafter.

5. Changes of Terms

We may make changes to any part of these Terms of Service. We will give you notice of such changes by email or through Humania beforehand, and you may contact us to end your legal relationship with us before the changes take effect. Once any updated Terms of Service are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use Humania.


Humania az élet játéka, ahol feladatok, mentorok és közösség segít az utadon haladni, sőt akár pénzt is kereshetsz, ha másoknak ebben Te is segítesz.

Korunk nagy problémája az elmagányosodás, mi ezen akarunk javítani. Az élet sokkal könnyebb úgy, ha nálunk tapasztaltabbakkal tudunk a kihívásainkról beszélni.

Hozd a tapasztalataidat – szükség van Rád.
Rajtad is múlik, hogy jobb hely legyen a világ.